Monthly Archives: April 2023

Grieving Today!

Background grief. Yes you can still grieve and celebrate a happy event. Every year, I apologize for the way my daughter was treated upon her birth. I can do is control me. I am sorry there won’t be 30 people calling your name at graduation . The few you have is cheering for you! 😢.

I term the terminology consistently inconsistent. My daughter grew into a young lady with the few she had. It was cutting myself in half to loose contact with my nieces and nephew. Grieving today. The hardest decisions I have made. May no other generation suffer. We are less than a month from graduation!

I have senioritis! Yes, I graduated from high school 30 years this year! I have determined I will feel better Maybe by October! (After we drop her off to college!)🤣😂 Questions? Good luck to my daughter today on the 1st dance comp of her senior year!