Monthly Archives: June 2023

Social Media Part 2

A particular social media program has been deleted from my cell phone. I have only messenger. Social media has had some large drawbacks for me. (I think my mother’s side was reading posts and then telling my father’s side family like they spent time with me.) I am thankful a relative told me that this was going on. It’s odd to live on the East coast and hear this information from a relative who lives close to OH. I went through and deleted a few people. I brought an internet blocker program to remove my name. Did you know for $24 a month you pay sites to tell you where other people’s social media addresses are? I know several family members have told me that they used those programs. I am thinking for every $24 you spent wondering about people you hate, but just had to have the information, you could have had a new car, vacation or money towards something. Instead, what a waste of money! People aren’t always going to like or agree with you. Go out and find your friends. Keep your $24 towards something nice for yourself.

I have let people know that someone or a few someones are following me. Since I said no more to all of them, the kids seem happier. I am not having anxiety about calling them or sending them birthday cards. It hurts. You can’t let your relatives kill you. You can as an adult rebuild yourself and get out. Cutoffs causes check engine lights to go on in your head. You deserve better. Avery died almost 20 years ago and we doing this?